It's Official – Beats & Rants 2.1
August 10, 2003
It's official: This will be the new home of Beats & Rants 2.1. So please add the URL (and site name) accordingly to your weblogs. I also want to say thank you to everyone who has been reading my blog thus far.
For those of you wondering what Beats & Rants is all about – quite simply, it's about music: the sounds and images that are the soundtrack of my life. In addition, you will get an occasional rant (bitching) from me about something.
When you visit my blog, please peruse the links that are provided in the "Hot Shit" and "Hot Spot" sections. But I implore you to please check out the "Diarists" section. I'm proud of this area, in particular, because I feel that these online writers offer great essays on their lives and what influences them in popular culture. Great reading is to be found in the "Diarists" section – so check out these writers and bookmark them on your weblogs.
Now comes the hard part for me: What am I going to do with the existing diary at EasyJournal. Inevitably, I will destroy it. Whether or not I will bring any of those entries from there and archive them here is still up in the air. But for those new readers out there, you can still visit the journal and gain a little more insight about me. So for now . . . that journal will still be there until further notice.
As for the future of Beats & Rants 2.1 – more music and more rants.
For Shizzle Dizzle . . .